Meeting documents


The PAG received a report which sought Members’ approval to continue with the joint arrangements with the other Buckinghamshire authorities for dog control and stray dog collection  and pest control and to tender for a new Framework Agreement to commence in June 2019.


The present Framework Agreement was due to end on 31 October 2018. It was clarified that Wycombe District Council managed the procurement of the framework whilst Chiltern and South Bucks District Councils provided the legal support. Services could be drawn from the framework as required by each Council.


It was clarified that dog fouling was incorporated into park control services although enforcement of this could be difficult. The dog warden would issue a fixed penalty notice if evidence was sufficient.


The Portfolio Holder requested that the draft Heads of Terms be revised to reflect costs incurred by South Bucks District Council. It was noted that the Heads of Terms also did not make reference to the legal charges made by South Bucks District Council.


The Principal Environmental Health Officer advised that clarification on the above would be circulated to the Portfolio Holder post meeting to inform the Cabinet recommendations.



Having considered the advice of the PAG, providing cost clarification for the Heads of Terms be provided electronically post meeting, the Portfolio Holder AGREED to RECOMMEND to Cabinet:


1.           To call off a new Service Level Agreement for services under the existing terms and conditions comprising dog control, stray dog collection and pest control from the existing Framework Agreement between South Bucks DC, Aylesbury Vale DC, Wycombe DC and Chiltern DC.

2.           To approve the development of a new joint Buckinghamshire Framework Agreement between South Bucks DC, Aylesbury Vale DC, Wycombe DC and Chiltern DC for services comprising dog control, stray dog collection, kennelling and rehoming and pest control to commence from 1st June 2019.

3.           To agree to enter into an Inter District Authority Agreement (IAA) reflecting the Heads of Terms. To note the principles of the apportionment of procurement costs within existing budgets and agree that if additional funds are required in excess of £10,000, then further approval is sought from Members.

4.           That delegated authority be given to the Head of Healthy Communities in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and the relevant Portfolio Holder to approve the detailed terms of the IAA.

5.           To tender for a four year Framework Agreement to commence from 1st June 2019 with the ability to call off Service Level Agreement for dog control, stray dog collection, kennelling and rehoming and pest control services.

6.           That the Head of Healthy Communities be authorised to draw up tender documents for the agreed services to commence from 1st June 2019.

7.           That the Head of Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities, be authorised to accept the tender that represents best value and to call off specific Service Level Agreements for dog control, stray dog collection, kennelling and rehoming and pest control services.

8.           That the Head of Healthy Communities, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Healthy Communities be authorised to call off additional Service Level Agreements for dog control, stray dog collection, kennelling and rehoming and pest control services within the period of the Framework Agreement on receipt of good performance.